A few weeks ago, during my first few days here, I attended a teacher's training on sharing your faith with children. Our psychologist at The Oasis, who lead the training, spoke about how the Bible calls us to come to Jesus like little children. Children, she said, have the ability to love endlessly, unaffected by worries, jobs, busy schedules, past heartbreaks, and everything else that we put between our hearts and God.
The girls here are teaching me what it truly means to love like a child. Wendy (4) and Tanya (2) are especially good teachers. Whenever I walk in, they immediately come running to me and jump into my arms to give me hugs and the biggest kisses they can manage. My skin color does not matter. My age, gender, and intelligence mean nothing. Nor does my past, my family, or even the fact that I speak another language. Nothing poses a barrier to their love.
Children, in addition to loving profusely, are dependent on others for their survival. We often pride ourselves on our independence and ability to take care of ourselves. God, however, asks us to give up our independence and trust in His ability to care for us. Although sometimes this can be a rather uncomfortable task, I find that the more I give to God, the more at peace and protected I feel. Never vulnerable; always safe.
The more time I spend with the girls here, the more I learn about how to approach God as a child--as one who loves without prerequisites, willingly accepts love from others, and gives her life over to the only one who can truly take care of her. I challenge you all to approach our Lord and Savior through the eyes of a child. He never disappoints.
How timely. I was just reading an article by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. about Luke 18:15-17. I'd never noticed this before, but the children being brought to Jesus were infants - babies! The neediest of the needy. Totally dependent. "There's just one thing infants are really good at," he says. "They are perfectly wonderful receivers." The only way to receive the kingdom of God is to acknowledge our utter dependence on Him. And then feed on Him like an eagerly nursing baby.
Sometimes it is difficult to show the love-- I mean they are kids, they push limits. And sometimes you have to be the "bad guy"-- that's just another form of love. Be strong in your love. :)
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