Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Face Full of Mercy

I was in the bathroom a few nights ago in the middle of one round of the way-too-many facial cleansers I use in an attempt to ride my face of acne. I began to fall into the "Life's not Fair" mode, when my mind switched back to a conversation I had with a person very dear to me just a few days earlier.

The topic: Why do bad things happen to good people?
This question had always plagued me before I became a Christian, just over 3 years ago. Why would a God who's good and loving allow His people to suffer?

Since then, I have searched and prayed to find a good answer. My understanding as of now is, 'Because there's no such thing as "good people".' We are all sinners and the payment of sin is death (Romans 6:23) We are getting exactly what we deserve due to our sinful nature and thus our sinful actions.

Yet, though God is just, He is also merciful and has provided us a way out of eternal punishment. He sent His son to die for us, thereby paying the eternal penalty for us so that we don't have to. This does not mean, however, that we will not suffer in this lifetime. In fact, God has PROMISED that we will. (2 Timothy 3:12 "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.")

I began thinking about how many times God has shown His incredible mercy to me, not just in giving me eternal salvation, but in everyday occurrences. He has given me an incredible family who are willing to support me and encourage me, a working brain, functioning body, wise mentors. Yet I have done nothing to deserve these things. I continually fail in my walk with Christ. I am a sinner and deserve every bad thing-every sickness, heartache, and separation from God. Thank goodness life's not fair. If it were, not a single one of us would ever smile, love, or have a relationship with the Lord.

So now, as I wash my face in the morning, I am reminded how wonderful it is that life's not fair (and how much I love the person who invented concealer.)

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