Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Never Say Never

We have lots of sayings in English: "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," "Don't judge a book by it's cover," and "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." (P.S. The last one doesn't work, I tried and yet she continued living in my house-- hi mom!)

Well, I think God has a favorite: "Never say never."

I've recently begun to notice a pattern in my life. Every time I swear that I'll NEVER do something, I eventually end up doing it. For example, when I went on the Mali Music Mission trip through Ward last year and said that I did not, under any circumstances, want to teach a music class, the first day of class they introduced me as the Clarinet teacher. Or, if you'd have told me last year that I'd eat cow hoof, I'd have sworn that that would NEVER happen. Well, you all know how that went...

Then, when I was picking science classes for my freshman year of high school and said that I hated rocks in all shapes and forms and would NEVER study geophysical science again. Well, folks, guess what my fourth grade science class is studying--- yup, rocks. I'm teaching geophysical science. Haha, God, very funny.

Plus, I took chemistry my sophomore year and hated it so much that I abandoned any thought of pursuing medicine because I never wanted to see another chemistry book again. Well, 6th grade science class is studying---CHEMISTRY. Seriously, God?

And last but not least, I promised myself that if I ever taught, I would NEVER teach middle-school kids. They're crazy, I said, I can't handle them. Yes, all the girls in my classes are 8-14 years old, and guess what-- I love working with them.

Moral of the story, God's bigger than me. Never say never.


Jill Gardner said...

Becky, you seem to be learning more about yourself, God and the world in one year than most of us learn in a lifetime. I love reading your blogs. Even if you only have time to write one sentence, it's worth it to me to open it up and find Phil. 4:13 staring at me.

Anonymous said...

so how bout going skydiving when you get home?

i'd be more than happy to take you.